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Flower pots
Flower pots
Click on an image to view a large photo, a detailed description and price.
Large Lily of the Valley flowerpot
575.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Blue flower pot - Flegmatiker
350.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Blue flower pot - Melankoliker
350.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Blue flower pot - Koleriker
350.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Blue flower pot - Sangviniker
350.- DKK
Blue Flower Curved
Oval wine cooler
975.- DKK
Blue Flower Curved
Champagne cooler or flower pot
2,400.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Blue flower pot - Melankoliker
475.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl
Blue flowerpot from 1853-1895
875.- DKK
Holmegaard Skala
Flowerpot in dark green and blue glass
1,400.- DKK
Rörstrand Gunner Nylund art pottery
White Olympia flowerpot
675.- DKK
Small dark green flower pot
250.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Siena
Large flower pot
700.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Large Blue flower pot - Summer
675.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Large Blue flower pot - Winter
675.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Large Blue flower pot - Spring
675.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Blue flower pot - Koleriker
475.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Blue flower pot - Flegmatiker
575.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Small blue flower pot - South
475.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl
Small flowerpot with Santa Claus
475.- DKK per item
Bing & Grondahl,
Dark blue Art Nouveau flowerpot from 1902-1914
2,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery
Unique red and white flowerpot from 1950
1,500.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad art pottery
Flower pot shaped as a bird from 1986
1,900.- DKK
Aluminia Thule
Small blue flower pot
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Celeste
Small flower pot
375.- DKK
Small Harmony flowerpot
300.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl
Mini flower pot
200.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Kitchen Line
Mini flower pot
200.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen porcelain
Flower pot with green decoration
750.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad art pottery
Large flower pot shaped as a bird from 1975
2,800.- DKK
Soeholm art pottery
375.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl
Small white and brown flowerpot - Børglum Monastery
375.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl
Small white and brown flowerpot - Hans Christian Andersen House in Odense
375.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen porcelain
Small flower pot with blue decoration
300.- DKK per item
Flower pot
475.- DKK
Flower pot from around 1900
675.- DKK
Flower pot from around 1900
475.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl biscuit / parian
Large flower pot with Thorvaldsen decoration of angels
1,600.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Antique flower pot decorated with mushrooms from 1840-1860
5,900.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl
White flower pot
475.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl
Extra large white flower pot
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Siena
Flower pot
750.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen blanc de chine
White flower pot
575.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen
Large pot / flowerpot with blue flowers from 1898-1923
3,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen porcelain
Large unique jar with yellow decoration from 1942
2,000.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen blanc de chine
Small flower pot
375.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Siena
Flower pot
575.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen art pottery
Flower pot
1,600.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery
Small flower pot
1,200.- DKK per item
Royal Copenhagen
Large vase / flowerpot with sailboat from 1923-1928
2,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen blanc de chine
Small flower pot
575.- DKK per item
Small flower Pot
875.- DKK per item
Seagull without gold edge
Small flower pot
575.- DKK per item
Seagull without gold edge
Flower pot
675.- DKK per item
Large flower pot
1,200.- DKK
Flower Pot
1,200.- DKK per item
Blue Flower Braided
Rare flower pot from 1898-1923
3,900.- DKK per item
Full Sachian Flower
Wine cooler
4,500.- DKK
Full Sachian Flower
Wine cooler
4,500.- DKK
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Antik K
Knabrostræde 13,
DK - 1210 København K.
+45 2972 2028